

News by theme

The Government approved the procedure for maintenance and accounting of fortifications

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has approved the procedure for acceptance, maintenance, service and accounting of military engineering and fortification structures created to enhance the country's defense capability under martial law.

War • May 7 2024, 10:46 AM  •  20994 views
The Government approved the procedure for maintenance and accounting of fortifications

Will it be possible to appeal the decision of the military medical commission: an officer of the Central Military Medical Commission explains

The possibility of appealing the decision of the military medical commission has been preserved and improved: appeals against the decision of the MMC will now be considered in a different healthcare facility than the one where the initial decision was made to ensure impartiality.

Society • May 7 2024, 10:46 AM  •  18450 views
Will it be possible to appeal the decision of the military medical commission: an officer of the Central Military Medical Commission explains

Ministry of Internal Affairs launches e-office for victims and social protection hotline for law enforcement officers

The Ministry of Internal Affairs has launched a victim's e-office and a contact center hotline to provide social protection services to military personnel, police officers and their families.

Society • May 7 2024, 10:40 AM  •  17966 views
Ministry of Internal Affairs launches e-office for victims and social protection hotline for law enforcement officers

SBU discloses network of Russian FSB agents preparing Presidential assassination: two colonels of State Protection Department detained

The SBU announces the exposure of a network of Russian FSB agents who were preparing the assassination of the President: two colonels of State Protection Department are detained.

Politics • May 7 2024, 10:39 AM  •  18842 views
SBU discloses network of Russian FSB agents preparing Presidential assassination: two colonels of State Protection Department detained

The Government supported the ratification of the free trade agreement between Ukraine and Turkey

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has supported the draft law on ratification of the free trade agreement with Turkey, which creates new opportunities for Ukrainian business by eliminating duties on 93% of industrial goods.

Economy • May 7 2024, 10:23 AM  •  19282 views
The Government supported the ratification of the free trade agreement between Ukraine and Turkey

"There are much more important things": the DIU dismisses concerns about russia's upcoming nuclear exercises

According to a representative of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, nuclear blackmail of russia by conducting military exercises with the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons is a standard practice for moscow, not something new, and a question to which the free world must provide an adequate response.

War • May 7 2024, 10:22 AM  •  20785 views
"There are much more important things": the DIU dismisses concerns about russia's upcoming nuclear exercises

The Government has canceled restrictions on payments for imports of goods and services

The government lifts restrictions on payments for imports of goods and services, opening up new opportunities for Ukrainian entrepreneurs and boosting exports.

Economy • May 7 2024, 10:15 AM  •  18536 views
The Government has canceled restrictions on payments for imports of goods and services

EU and Ukraine discuss decentralization of energy generation and sanctions against Russia

The European Commissioner and the Ukrainian minister discussed strengthening Ukraine's energy resilience, increasing electricity production for next winter, EU support for infrastructure rehabilitation, terminating the Russian gas transit contract, and integrating Ukrainian energy markets into European ones.

Economy • May 7 2024, 10:08 AM  •  18043 views
EU and Ukraine discuss decentralization of energy generation and sanctions against Russia

How to check documents before buying a home on the secondary market: the Ministry of Justice gave advice

Verifying the ownership of real estate is an important prerequisite for entering into a sale and purchase agreement. Before entering into a sale and purchase agreement for real estate on the secondary market, it is necessary to verify the documents confirming the ownership.

Society • May 7 2024, 10:08 AM  •  15572 views
How to check documents before buying a home on the secondary market: the Ministry of Justice gave advice

Court imposes pre-trial restraint on head of Zaporizhzhia Diocese of the UOC-MP, Metropolitan Luke

Metropolitan Luka, head of the Zaporizhzhia Diocese of the UOC (MP), was placed under nightly house arrest with electronic monitoring devices. He is suspected of inciting religious hatred and undermining state security in favor of Russia.

Crimes and emergencies • May 7 2024, 10:08 AM  •  16305 views
Court imposes pre-trial restraint on head of Zaporizhzhia Diocese of the UOC-MP, Metropolitan Luke